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Stagflation Is Now An Embedded Tragic Reality For The Entire Western World

by | Dec 5, 2022 | Covid, Crooked Banks, December 2022, FED, Financial, New Zealand, RBNZ, Wall Street, Zone A Financial Meltdown | 0 comments

And some very interesting points in this article, including…

#1 An entity high up in Citigroup’s hierarchy calls out the fact that so many bankers have never worked in the industry without the existence of cheap fiat money. This is an extraordinary admission given that Citigroup is the largest owner of shares in the New York FED which is the main spigot for the handing out of this funny money and setting the global financial kabuki theatre stage that holds much of humanity to ransom.

#2 The market assumption that the ‘money is for nothing and the chicks for free’ party will never end. IT WILL… in fact it is dying right now.

#3 The whole casino has been so outrageously irresponsible that in reality ‘markets’ in the true sense of the word no longer exist, such is the extent of the gross interference of the global central banking cartel. In the turmoil that is in store, these markets would be chaotic in the process of re-establishing themselves as true supply and demand market-driven realities. This price discovery will have to come from the Zone B side where ~90% of the world’s population is clamouring to join the BRIICS+++ group of initiatives and cooperative trade based on non-fiat tangibly backed currencies.

#4 How completely ludicrous it is that the markets and media hang on every word of the FED to determine their investment strategy when the FED is totally owned by this cartel of thieving private banks.

#5 Normal monetary and fiscal tools do not work in a stagflationary environment, and will simply wreck economies even further as the last of middle and working-class wealth is soaked up by these kleptocratic parasites. Furthermore, these banksters don’t want their measures to work because this is another very poorly conceived pump-and-dump scheme modelled on their orchestrated 1929 debacle. They will blame the carnage on Covid and of course Putin as they position themselves for another enormous wealth transfer to this tiny group of already obscenely wealthy kleptocrats and cronies.

We need to come to terms with the fact the central bank industry of the western world is not trying to fix anything for Mainstreet… the reality tragically is quite the reverse.

“NZ’s” (sic) RBNZ and its idiotic governor and stacked board will continue to take its policy from the Nazi-inspired BIS in Basel, and the NZ economy will be financially wreaked just as the entire idiotic Natostan club will be.

The winners will be the Zone B BRIICS+++ group that embrace a new economic reality based on real money and markets, cooperative trade, and mutually assured security of all members.

The Natostan club, as a military and financial hegemon, will be bankrupted and rendered nothing more than an irrelevant and thoroughly obscene historical memory where the western world’s economy was wrecked because of its complete addiction to the financial equivalent of heroin.

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